Derrick Anderson, AFP-Ohio Engagement Director, brought the crowd for our Buckeye Blueprint listening tour in the Mahoning Valley. The nearly 100 people who joined us on a Saturday morning in Boardman were unwavering in their desire to improve K-12 education and develop employment opportunities for youth.
K-12 education – Individualizing education opportunities for K-12 students was frequently cited by those in attendance as there has been an increasing disparity in options over the last several decades. We agreed that building more opportunities and driving individual needs of the student in education should be the goal.
Employment Opportunities – Coupled with education opportunity, this room of community and faith-based leaders recognized a need for employment opportunities for youth. They all want to see Ohio eliminate regulatory barriers that inhibit early career opportunities. Additionally, many are concerned about public policy focused on Central Ohio that leaves places such as the Mahoning Valley behind. We need to advance reforms that will improve the economic outlook for ALL of Ohio.
State Reps. Marilyn John & Riordan McClain have introduced HB290, a bill meant to create solutions to those problems. Eliminating Ohio’s Income Tax (HINT: Wisconsin is exploring it) or pursuing labor reforms that eliminate forced wage collection by unions in the private sector (HINT: public sector employees have this right thanks to Janus v AFSCME) as a condition of employment can ensure workers keep more of their hard-earned money.