AFP-OH Raises Concerns on Rushed Passage of HB 2

(Columbus, OH) – Today [February 7, 2024], Americans for Prosperity-Ohio (AFP-OH) released a statement following the House floor vote on HB 2, which AFP-Ohio is dubbing House Bill $2 Billion because it appropriated $2 billion in taxpayer dollars in less than 24 hours from introduction of substitute language.

As part of HB 2, $350 million was appropriated from the One-Time Strategic Community Investment Fund, which was approved by lawmakers as part of the state’s 2024-2025 operating budget.  In total, there is $700 million in the fund. The Senate is expected to take up the matter following the March primary election, but the House chose to rush through passage of HB 2, which includes an additional $1.65 billion on top of the $350 million, with less than 24 hours’ notice.

Following the vote on HB 2 today, AFP-OH State Director Donovan O’Neil released this statement raising concerns about HB 2’s passage:

“We are calling this rushed spending bill House Bill $2,000,000,000. The concerning process used to pass House Bill 2 today rightly raises alarms about how $2 billion in taxpayer dollars are being spent.  A draft of HB 2 was posted late last night and fast-tracked to a full-floor vote without discussion. It appears that the bill was intentionally rushed to allow members to appropriate $350 million for pet projects for their home districts ahead of a competitive March primary election.

Most Ohioans are already disillusioned with what they see as out of control government spending from the State House to the White House. This feels like a Washington, D.C., style approach to legislative process.  Legislation released in the dark of night and moved at breakneck speed only serves to sow distrust in what should be an otherwise transparent government process. We would challenge legislative leaders to employ a process that gives citizens an opportunity to have their voice heard on legislation with such a steep price tag.”