Christina Yeary came to the Statehouse to support expansion of the EdChoice Program in 2023.
The Ed Choice expansion has impacted our family greatly. It has given us the freedom and flexibility to choose an education for our children that was not on our radar 5 years ago. Our story goes back to 2020 when the world seemed to be falling apart. The curtain was pulled back on what our children were learning and being exposed to. It was a blessing, and a wakeup call all at once. We took immediate action trying to bring attention to the things we were discovering by first going to teachers, then admins/principals and finally our school superintendent. We thought they would be equally appalled. They were all very flippant in their responses and even gave many excuses for why our children were suddenly being inundated with social justice, LGBTIQ (not so hidden) agendas. We had even discovered through public records requests that teachers, principals and staff were going behind parents backs to actively move these agendas through, exposing our children, the most vulnerable of all. We were the loud ones, the ones that took initiative, suggested changes, attended board meetings, etc. and still could not make a change in this broken system dictated by very powerful school unions.
What we have learned through this experience is that when a parent is given options, this creates a more competitive and healthy market for choices on where our children can attend school and the best fit for that individual child. It also holds every school district and private school accountable to the very taxpayers that fund their system or pay into it via tuition.
We moved our two oldest children out of Olentangy school district two years ago and it was the best decision. Our kids are thriving and learning so much more than they ever would and aren’t distracted by all of the extra added indoctrination tactics. Ed choice expansion gave us the added security to financially feel comfortable with swallowing a large tuition bill every year. I implore you to go another step forward and give families true universal Ed choice with no limits on income, so that our tax dollars truly follow the child, not the very broken system.
Thank you for your time.
Christina Yeary