It was AMAZING to kick off the start of our new initiative, AFP-Ohio’s Buckeye Blueprint, in Steubenville Ohio. The Ohio Valley is one of our longest running activist communities and it was an honor to hear from folks like Phil P. & Fiona R. on ways we can build a bolder, better Buckeye state.
It became clear that those in attendance believe Ohio can be a transformative leader on K-12 education reforms that empower parents and students. There is also a desire for pre-trial reforms such as those in SB182/HB315.
What stood out the most though was hearing from downtown Steubenville business owners. Coming out of the COVID pandemic, these folks are struggling to keep their doors open. To make matter worse, red tape and overly burdensome regulations are making the recovery harder than it needs to be.
Legislation such as the regulatory reforms in Senate Bill 9 or repeal of Ohio’s Commercial Activity Tax contained within House Bill 234 could significantly help improve recovery for employers in communities like Steubenville.