Americans for Prosperity – Ohio (AFP-Ohio) today announced that eight of the nine state candidates the organization supported with grassroots engagement are advancing to the general election.
Overall, AFP – Ohio knocked on tens of thousands of doors, made hundreds of thousands of phone calls, and sent over a half million mail pieces supporting Buckeye Blueprint candidates.
The winning slate of candidates included:
State Senator Nathan Manning in Senate District 13
State Representative Susan Manchester in House District 78
State Representative Darrell Kick in House District 98
Chris Monzel in House District 28
Adam Mathews in House District 56
Melanie Miller in House District 67
Thad Claggett in House District 68
Tim Barhorst in House District 85
AFP-Ohio State Director Donovan O’Neil issued the following statement:
“Our candidates are working to build a bolder, better buckeye state for all Ohioans. From supporting the Backpack Bill to championing the elimination of Ohio’s personal income tax, these eight individuals will work to move Ohio from the middle of the Midwest to number one in the nation when they get to Columbus.”
The 2022 election cycle marks AFP Ohio’s first successful campaign against a sitting incumbent, State Representative Mark Fraizer, in House District 68. During the campaign, AFP Ohio highlighted Fraizer’s support of House Bill 235, which would raise energy prices on Ohioans at a time when Washington D.C. has hurt Ohio families with rising costs due to excessive government spending.
AFP-Ohio Deputy State Director Tim Ross issued the following statement:
“We are excited to have supported Thaddeaus Claggett and helped educate Licking County voters on their choice in this election. HB 235 would move Ohio backward, and we will oppose efforts to raise costs on those already hurting from Washington’s mistakes. We will continue to utilize our grassroots capability to support commonsense candidates who will advance policy solutions in the General Assembly.”
Paid for by Americans for Prosperity.
For further information or an interview, reach Donovan O’Neil at
Through broad-based grassroots outreach, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is driving long-term solutions to the country’s biggest problems. AFP activists engage friends and neighbors on key issues and encourage them to take an active role in building a culture of mutual benefit, where people succeed by helping one another. AFP recruits and unites Ohioans behind a common goal of advancing policies that will help people improve their lives. For more information, visit